A Better Day Than Yesterday

I am in better shape today. Last night I was able to talk to my sister’s yesterday. AND I had a wonderful shower thanks to two of the best aids around. I have two aids on night shift that are my favorites. On day shift there are about six I can say are wonderful.

Anyway, after the shower I felt a lot better on all fronts. One of the aides cleaned my wheelchair before I was put back in my wheelchair. It was as if the water washed away some of the blah.

Today I have mostly stayed in my room and just decompressed, but I did get out some and roam around.

The most exciting thing I’ve done is get some envelopes and write a letter. However. I believe I am going to do a bit of drawing, and maybe prep some paper for watercoloring tomorrow.

The screamers have begun a little early tonight. There is one lady who screams and yells for Marsha. One is s rea ing, “Help me somebody! Somebody help me I need help! I’m dying. “

When I was first here they made me so nervous and anxious. I soon discovered they were OK and they screamed and yelled as a way of getting attention because, I think, they either refuse to use the call button or don’t know how. They might not remember how. Unfortunately, they yell, scream and holler for no reason at all. They aren’t like this always. They both have dementia. Some times they are good and at themselves.

There is one woman who screams blood curdling screams. There was one day not too long past where she screamed all day and into the night. I don’t know what she was seeing. Whatever she saw must have been absolutely horrible. She hasn’t screamed like that in a while. The nurses and aides tried to help her so very hard. They finally just had to leave her alone at let her scream. The nurses gave her as much medicine as they could to relax her per the doctor’s orders. She never once stopped screaming. Everyone on the hall was concerned about her. Still, it was a reliefs when she did stop.

I don’t know all of the ins and outs yet, but am learning. My anxiety gets higher on days like this. I am looking forward to getting my XBox X and my games. Then I will be able to put on my headphones and just ignore all that. Many of the Cognizant use headphones for music or audio books while this is going on.

Off to relax and create something if possible.

About Henrietta Handy

I have returned home to the mountains. No more am I "a mountain-girl far from home." Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 2 1/2, I understand pain, fatigue, laughter, joy, and love all while on crutches and in wheelchairs. This blog is just about me, mostly the writing side, but there are forays into so many different topics. I am married to a wonderful husband who puts up with my writing, knitting, yarn, with the love of a saint. We have fur babies, and one cat who rules us all.
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