
Today has been a good bad day. My body has been telling me it is going to rain today. An aid told me we were supposed to get storms tonight. I have had to take more pain medication today than I have in a while. Pain medicine gives me the blahs I think. I would prefer to not have to take it, but I can’t afford to let the pain jump levels until I can’t distract myself.

I am seriously thinking about getting a refurbished XBox X from Back Market. Has anyone used a refurbished game console? I have the money to buy a new one but I don’t want to spend the money if I don’t have to.

I didn’t want the supper we had today. I wanted some Corn Flakes cereal. This meant a trip to the kitchen via the dining room. All the trouble makers were at one table. They expressed their dislike for each other with some very creative language. I don’t know if they know who or what they are angry. An aide was bringing out a tray to help this one little lady that was very quiet.

The aide bent close and said, “You should run. They have been like this all day.” Which was true: they have been very demanding today. I felt so sorry for them — the aides. I have always appreciated nurses and doctors and aides. The staff here are amazing because they are kind and usually have a smile on their faces and soft voiced and really know their stuff.

About Henrietta Handy

I have returned home to the mountains. No more am I "a mountain-girl far from home." Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 2 1/2, I understand pain, fatigue, laughter, joy, and love all while on crutches and in wheelchairs. This blog is just about me, mostly the writing side, but there are forays into so many different topics. I am married to a wonderful husband who puts up with my writing, knitting, yarn, with the love of a saint. We have fur babies, and one cat who rules us all.
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